Maligne Lake. 3-5 days. FW. Jasper Nat Park, Alberta.

Maligne Lake

Maligne Lake is a stunning lake in Jasper National Park, a few miles outside of the town of Jasper.  It is a popular 3-4 day trip to the end of the lake.  We took 3, but I wish we'd had 4 to spend the night at the end of the lake and finish the trail up to the glacial basin.  The pictures say it all for this lake.

Full blog with pictures:


Reservations:  You need them unless you luck out and someone cancels.  Call Jasper National Park.   You pay a nightly fee while in the park.  It's not cheap.

Canoes: We brought our own canoe, but you can rent them on Maligne Lake.

Maps: You can buy maps in Jasper.  I used this one the Jasper & Maligne Lake map by Gem Trek which I got at a bookstore in Jasper:

Camps:  There are established camps.  They are in great shape and a ranger patrols the lake.

Dogs:  Not sure if they are allowed.  We saw dogs in boats.

Bears:  This is Jasper National Park.  There are bears.

Safety:  The water is very, very cold.  You don't want to flip while crossing the lake.  The lake is big and is prone to strong winds.  We were pinned for 3 hours waiting for it to die down.

Solitude:  Not so much, and there are a gazillion tour boats going by during the day.  But it is really beautiful.

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