Opeongo-Laveille Lake Loop. 7 days. FW. Portaging. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario

Opeongo-Laveille Loop, Algonquin

Algonquin Provincial Park is a huge park full of endless lakes north of Toronto, ON. Like the nearby Boundary Waters park (U.S./Canada), you could spend a lifetime exploring the area -- and people do.  We started at the Opeongo Canoe Centre (the 11 red diamond on the map), then north into the North arm of Opeongo --> Proulx --> Little Crow --> Big Crow --> Crow Creek --> Crow Bay --> Lavieille --> Dickson --> East Arm Opeongo --> back to start.  We took 7 days.

This is a beautiful trip and I recommend the loop.  I don't have photos as I dropped my camera in a lake just after the trip.  Opeongo and Proulx lakes were crowded.  In retrospect, I would have taken the taxi and gone to some of the lakes farther out.  Past Big Crow Lake, we only saw one other party in 3 days.

Here's a map and some photos from someone else's trip report on this loop
We took the same route sans wheels for the portages...and with 5 young kids (5:3 kid-adult ratio).  LOL.

And here's more info on this loop

Canoe rentals We used Algonquin Outfitters.  They have a store/rental place on Opeongo.  They also do water taxi to the end of the North arm if you want to get farther in fast.  We did not use the taxi however.

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